Server History
Last 30 days
Server Time streamed
PurpleRP (GTA) 41hrs 51mins
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
PurpleRP (GTA) 24 Jun 2024 16 Sep 2024 49hrs 46mins
Twitch RP (GTA) 23 Sep 2020 17 Feb 2021 28hrs 24mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
PurpleRP (GTA)
16 Sep Working on a Leafblower that blows people| PurpleRP Dev/Owner
16 Sep short stream this time | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
15 Sep short stream this time | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
15 Sep short stream this time | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
15 Sep short stream this time | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
14 Sep Giga Late Short Stream | HUGE PD DA DRAMA | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
14 Sep Giga Late Short Stream | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
13 Sep Coding the Gubernor | PurpleRP Dev/Owner
12 Sep Towing -> Finishing what we started (dev) | PurpleRP
11 Sep PurpleRP - Coding something that everyone knows is coming pt2
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