Server History
Last 30 days No data for this period
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Ascend RP (GTA) 23 Nov 2023 12 Mar 2024 60hrs 56mins
PurpleRP (GTA) 7 Jul 2024 13 Jul 2024 2hrs 33mins
Project Street (GTA) 18 Jun 2024 18 Jun 2024 2hrs 14mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
PurpleRP (GTA)
13 Jul New life for Jay"JJ"Johnson| PurpleRP|!discord
7 Jul New life for Jay"JJ"Johnson| PurpleRP|!discord
7 Jul New life for Jay"JJ"Johnson| PurpleRP|!discord
7 Jul New life for Jay"JJ"Johnson| PurpleRP|!discord
7 Jul New life forJay"JJ"Johnson| PurpleRP|!discord
Project Street (GTA)
18 Jun JJ goes to Project Street! !discord
18 Jun JJ goes to Project Street! !discord
Ascend RP (GTA)
12 Mar |Jay "JJ" Johnson |The Collective | Underboss| Ascend 2.0|!discord
12 Mar |Jay "JJ" Johnson |The Collective | Underboss| Ascend 2.0|!discord
12 Mar |Jay "JJ" Johnson |The Collective Captain| Ascend 2.0|!discord
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