Scarlet Sky RP has relaunched as Convergence RP!

Reddit share links and welcoming Andre_Awesome

Reddit share links

So I pushed an update today which adds a Reddit share button to all clips on the site. Clicking it will take you to the submission page using the clip server name and clip title for the title and the clip url as the submission url. The subreddit defaults to /r/rpclipsgta and I would encourage you all to share any clips you enjoy on there.

New staff member

Andre joined us a few weeks ago and has been helping particularly with Twitch RP and Family RP Public data as well as other areas of the site. I had been meaning to get around to making an announcement but have been busy as of late, but better late than never. Sorry it took so long :P

Charity Stream

Andre also is currently doing a 13 hour charity stream for extra life, so be sure to drop by and wish him good luck. Andre and JoeNumb3rs are competing to see who can raise the most for charity and have raised a lot in past years in such events. Extra life is a great event that most of you are probably aware of but if you aren't you can find more info here

In closing

Hope you are all enjoying the site, we are still always looking for anyone who wants to help or has ideas or feedback.

Also a reminder we have a discord now, I have been neglecting it but I would love to see it as a place where ongoing rp is discussed and shared with others.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Last updated at 2018-11-11 09:37:11